Starter Characters


The characters presented here are deliberately rough ideas that you can and should adapt individually. Of course, you can also simply use them as described. All characters are tailored to our tavern events. Of course, you can also easily use them for other LARPs. By the way, the gender presented doesn't matter; all of our characters can be played as different genders. You'll notice that all characters follow a standard setup that looks like this.


  • Suggested age of the player
  • Whether the character is more of a one-time character or the basis for a long-term character → Of course you can play one-time characters more often and vice versa.
  • Whether the character works in a group and which other characters he harmonize well with.
  • A small outline of the life story and motivation specifically tailored to our tavern evenings.
  • What kind of background knowledge would be helpful. We recommend search terms for the relevant topic, e.g. for YouTube. It's not about acquiring in-depth knowledge of the topic, a broad overview is enough, experience has shown that 20 minutes to an hour of research is easily enough.
  • A short list of basic equipment and clothing, plus some ideas for more advanced equipment.

Farmer from a small village

Player age: 25 to 50

One-time character

suitable for: Individual players, families, small groups

Group suitability: The character could be traveling with his family or others from the village.

You've always lived in your small village with a total of five farms. It's a bit off the main trade routes and the only real contact with the outside world are peddlers who come by every now and then to trade with you or the local authorities tax collectors, who show up in the village every year. As the eldest son/daughter, you took over the farm from your father. The soil is fertile and there haven't been any bad harvests for a long time. One of your siblings has.married into another village because there were no suitable spouses in your village. Now you are invited to the wedding or the baptism of your nieces/nephews. Your sibling's village is two days' journey from your village. That's why you're at the tavern tonight. The invitation to the wedding/baptism came from one of the peddlers you regularly use to exchange messages. You belong to the peasant class, but that doesn't mean you're at the bottom of the social hierarchy. You and your family are not doing badly. After all, you own some animals and tools for cultivating the fields and have a farm with a house, barn and stables. That's more than many others call their own.

Character knowledge: You are familiar with gardening and working on a farm
Search terms: historical farming, homesteading or organic gardening

Equipment: Simple linen trousers, simple tunic or simple linen dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, boots, belt bag

Equipment plus: Small notebook, jewelry such as braided ribbons, stone bead necklaces or copper pins, fabric or leather shoulder bag, simple felt hat or straw hat, headscarf or linen hood, simple cowl

Escaped daughter

Player Age: 18 to 25
Long-term character
suitable for: Single player

You grew up as the daughter/son of a farmer or craftsman in a medium-sized village. Your parents found what they consider to be a suitable partner for marriage for you. Unfortunately, you can't stand the person. It ended in a big argument, the only one understanding you was your aunt. She gave you some money and a few things you needed for your escape. The break with your family hurts, but you feel like it was your only chance at a self-determined life. You've been on the road for a week and so far you've avoided taverns and slept like an animal on the side of the road. The fear of being recognized and dragged home was too great. Now you feel like you're far enough away from home. The only question is, where does your path take you from here?

Character knowledge: no specific knowledge needed, in many ways this character is really a blank sheet of paper

Equipment: Simple linen trousers, simple tunic or simple linen dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, boots, belt bag

Equipment plus: simple jewelry, small toy as a souvenir for the family, shoulder bag made of fabric or leather, leather bottle, simple felt hat or straw hat, headscarf or linen hood, simple cowl, blanket


Player Age: 18 to 35

Long-term character

suitable for: Single player, small groups

Group suitability: The character could spend the evening with other farmhands or day laborers

You are a farmhand/maid on a farm about half an hour's walk away. You've been to the tavern a few times. Except for the clothes you wear and the coins in your pouch, nothing in this world belongs to you. But you have a permanent job that provides you with bread and shelter and a new set of clothes once a year. It's not enough to have your own family, even if there is a maid/servant on the neighboring farm that you would like to marry. But at least you don't have to make a living as a day laborer and your employer is usually fair and treats you well. If you do a good job, you'll get one or two extra coins for the tavern and the evening off. Your mother died in childbirth years ago, your father makes a living as a day laborer in the area, as do most of your siblings. Your brother/sister is a mercenary. You haven't heard from him/her in a long time. You always hope to improve your life and maybe get married one day.

Character knowledge: You are familiar with gardening and working on a farm
Search terms: historical farming, homesteading or organic gardening

Equipment: Simple linen trousers, simple tunic or simple linen dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, boots, belt bag

Equipment plus: Jewelry such as braided ribbons, wooden bead necklaces, shoulder bag made of fabric or leather, bone dice, simple felt hat or straw hat, headscarf or linen hood, simple cowl

Traveling craftsman

Player Age: 20 to 70

One-time character / Long-term character

Group suitability: The character could be traveling with other craftsmen or travelers

You derive from a medium-sized city, unfortunately you were not born as the first child. So you were denied the right to inherit your parents' workshop. Nevertheless, you learned the craft. You see your family regularly, but you are not married. But there is a romantic partner that you see regularly. You couldn't find a permanent position, but your skills are in demand in the small towns and villages in the area. So you regularly visit various municipality to offer your services. You earn enough to keep yourself afloat and your visits are very welcomed. You dream of one day having enough money for your own permanent workshop or a carriage with which you can move from place to place. The tavern is an integral part of your route, here you can always find the latest rumors and where your services will be needed in the near future.

Character knowledge:You know your chosen craft, it is ideal if you are already involved in a craft or DIY as a hobby or professionally
Search terms: Historical crafts, DIY, How to make….

Equipment: Simple linen trousers, simple tunic or simple linen dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, boots or leather shoes, belt bag, tools suitable for the chosen craft (two or three are enough as a basis here)

Equipment plus: Small notebook, jewelry such as braided ribbons, stone bead necklaces or copper pins, leather water bottle, shoulder bag made of fabric or leather, simple felt hat or straw hat, simple cowl, material for crafts, back box (woven basket equipped with shoulder straps to be carried on the back)


Player Age: 18 to 70
One-time character / Long-term character
Group suitability: rather alone, at best with other forest-related characters, such as the forestry officer

You were born in a small village, and the vast forests fascinated you even as a child. An older hunter showed you, piece by piece, everything you need to know about the forest, survival in it, and the animals. You were lucky and inherited your hunting area and the cabin from your mentor, who died a few years ago. Today you supply many small and large traders with game, including the Staggering Hydra.

You like your work, even if it can be lonely at times and sometimes dangerous. You are rather undemanding, surviving in the forest has made you tough. Although you have a fairly comfortable cabin, the size of your hunting area forces you to regularly spend the night in the forest. That's why evenings in company where you can relax are always something special for you, even if you're not necessarily one of the most talkative. You enjoy the babble of voices and life in the tavern as a counterpoint to the relative silence and peace of the forest.

Character knowledge:You know the forest and the animals in it.
Search terms: Historical Hunting, Wilderness Survival, Wildlife

Equipment:Simple linen trousers, simple tunic or simple linen dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, boots or leather shoes, belt bag, hunting knife, quiver and bow

Equipment plus: Bone or antler jewelry, leather water bottle, fabric or leather shoulder bag, simple felt hat, blanket

Town Clerk

Player Age: 20 to 35
One-time character / Long-term character
Group suitability: The character could be in the tavern with other townspeople

You were born here, in this very city. Your parents are city clerks, like you. You grew up among books, paper and ink and for you the books became a window to the wider world. For your parents, working with paper and ink was a job, for you it is a calling. The city job doesn't pay badly and since you still live in your parents' house, you have few expenses. For you, visits to the tavern are an extension of the books, people who travel and their stories attract you. Your biggest dream is to one day go out and discover the world with your own eyes. If only you could find the courage and the right travel companions.

Character knowledge:You know paper and ink, can make ink and writing instruments and how books are made.
Search terms: bookbinding, writing with ink and pen, historical writing room

Equipment: Linen trousers, simple tunic or linen dress, cape, leather belt, boots or leather shoes, belt bag, writing tools and paper

Equipment plus: Notebook and/or belt book, jewelry such as bronze pins, bronze necklaces, stones or shells, fabric or leather shoulder bag, simple cowl


Player Age: 25 to 70

One-time character / Long-term character

Group suitability: The character could be in the tavern with other travelers, the traveling craftsman would be a good companion. But he can also travel alone.

You know your customers well because you grew up in a farming family, but trading has always been in your blood. So you used the few coins you got from your parents to buy your first goods. What you have, you have because you worked for it. The villages in the area need your services. You are welcome because you not only bring important little things for everyday use, but often also messages from family members and the wider World. The job is difficult and you see your family and children far too rarely, but you earn well. Your spouse works as a craftsman and produces a good portion of your goods. You're in taverns so often that they all look the same to you in a way, but they're also good places to get a quick deal and a coin or two and of course to hear the latest rumors and stories.

Character knowledge:You know your goods, trading is no problem for you
Search terms: Your product group, peddler

Equipment: Linen trousers, tunic or linen dress, cape, leather belt, sturdy shoes, belt bag, shoulder bag made of fabric or leather, small selection of goods

Equipment plus: Felt or straw hat, blanket, small notebook, jewelry such as braided ribbons, stone bead necklaces or copper pins, leather water bottle


Player Age: 18 to 70
One-time character / Long-term character
suitable for: Single player
Group suitability: The character could be in the tavern with other townspeople

You don't know exactly who your parents were. You grew up in one of the big cities off the continent. The people who took care of you were good at all the things that society doesn't recognize as very moral, like begging, pickpocketing, cheating in games. Hunger was your constant companion. Then one day you reached into the wrong bag and found yourself in a cold, damp cell, only the locks weren't particularly good.
Two days later, your face was on wanted posters in the city and you were on your way to flee your home. You've been traveling for a while, always going from tavern to tavern, always hoping that you can beg for a meal or relieve one of the stupid country people with a rigged game of a few coins. And who knows, maybe one day there will be a well-filled bag you can “find”.

Character knowledge: You know about rigging games, begging and surviving in the dark alleys of the big city
Search terms: Sleight of Hand, Poor House, Historical Poverty

Equipment: Linen trousers mended, simple tunic or linen dress, cape, rope belt, cloth shoes or rags, belt bag

Equipment plus: Jewelry made of stones or shells, shoulder bag made of fabric or leather, simple cowl or straw hat, blanket, marked dice or cards


Player Age: 35 to 99

One-time character / Long-term character

Group suitability: The character could be in the tavern with other townspeople or family members.

You grew up here, next to the healers' house. Many people looked at her suspiciously, but your family had a good relationship with Aunt Edna. You were often with her as a child. There were delicious herbal teas, sweets and sugar pills. Accompanying her on her walks in the forest, in dark caves or on farmers' dung heaps was always fun and her garden was full of wondrous herbs. You learned everything along the way: which plants, bark, stones, fungi and lichens help against what; how to prepare things and most importantly, how to correctly read the strange characters in the recipe books. Today you are the healer and live in Edna's old house and are looked at with suspicion by many. Your family is still your neighbor. The tavern is a regular evening activity for you, and you often meet traders here who bring you exotic ingredients.

Character knowledge:Herbalism, home remedies for all kinds of illnesses, making medicines, and wound care are your areas of knowledge
Search terms: Home remedies, herbal medicine, pill and candy making

Equipment: Simple trousers, tunic or simple dress, cape, leather belt, sturdy shoes or boots, belt bag, couch sweets or similar

Equipment plus: Jewelry made of simple metal, cowl or straw hat, small notebook, leather water bottle, small bag with bandages, needles and other healing supplies


Player Age: 18 to 35
One-time character
Group suitability: Other travelers e.g. peddlers

Your birthplace is far away, you actually don't really know where it is. You were born and grew up on a carriage because your father was a coachman. Unfortunately, your family wasn't lucky. “For the king,” said the mercenaries as they “required” your carriage. For years now your family has been scattered across half the continent. your father is drinking away his suffering and life in a small town in the north, your siblings are day laborers or couriers, like you. You bring messages and packages from one town to another, always looking for the next job, often in the local taverns. You don't earn much, but you earn enough for yourself and you're not tied to a farm or anything like that and you can live your life on the street. Taverns are always a welcome sight for you, as they mean a hot meal, a cold drink and a night in the relative comfort of a hayloft. You dream of one day having enough money to own your own horse or a cart or maybe a carriage just like your father.

Character knowledge: no specific knowledge needed, in many ways this character is really a blank sheet of paper

Equipment: Simple trousers, simple tunic or simple dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, sturdy shoes, belt bag, large bag or similar for messages and packages

Equipment plus: simple jewelry, leather or wooden bottle, simple felt hat or straw hat, headscarf or linen hood, blanket

Forestry Officer

Player Age: 20 to 60

One-time character

Group suitability: Aother travelers or forest-related people, such as the hunter or woodworker

You stem from a middle-class family in the capital, your father is a civil servant. You were supposed to follow in his footsteps, but a stupid joke in training that combined an inkwell, a firecracker and the chancellor took your career in a different direction. Now you are a Forestry Officer, still a civil servant, but day in and day out traveling the Land documenting the forests and trees and collecting samples. After all, the Government needs materials for ships, buildings and weapons and someone needs to know whether the forest is healthy or sick. Your salary is good and your wallet is usually well filled, but you wanted to spend your life in quiet offices instead of in the forests and on the streets. In your father's eyes, you are the black sheep of the family. All your siblings are scribes or officials in the capital.
The tavern is just on your way, a great way to put your feet up and unwind after a long day.

Character knowledge: Trees and forests, that's what you're familiar with and of course with reports and forms.
Search terms: historical forestry, writing with ink and pen

Equipment: Simple trousers, tunic or dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, first boots or shoes, belt bag, bag for stationery and paper

Equipment plus: Jewelry made from simple to better metal, leather water bottle, felt or straw hat, blanket, writing pad, leaf press


Player Age: 30 to 60.
One-time character
Group suitability: Other travelers

You call a larger city from a neighboring country your home. Your family is not doing badly, they run a successful trading office. You are the eldest daughter and main heir. So there is no shortage of money.
Your mother in particular was very religious and always dreamed of a pilgrimage to the holy monoliths in the south. Unfortunately, she died a few weeks ago from a severe fever. After her death, the local priest revealed to you that you are not your father's daughter. A grave sin in the eyes of the gods and of course a dark family secret. But he didn't know who your real father was either.
That, you suspect, is why your mother vowed to make the pilgrimage. Now it's up to you to go in her place and save her soul and of course clear yours too.
You've been traveling for three weeks, about half of your planned trip. To protect yourself from robbers, you travel incognito and in simple clothing.

Character knowledge:Trading knowledge
Search terms: Hanseatic League, historical trade

Equipment: Simple trousers, tunic or dress, cape in muted colors, leather belt, sturdy boots or shoes, belt bag, necklace with a shell or a small figureTotem/religious symbol (please don't mention any real religion, these are not welcome in LARP)

Equipment plus: Jewelry made from simple to better metal, leather water bottle, felt or straw hat, cowl, blanket, pilgrim's staff

All of this information is only a rough guideline and is intended to provide you with a basis that you can expand and adapt to your individual needs. Do you have questions about LARP or the characters? We look forward to your Questions!